Owner's Manual


1) Never squeeze the trigger if any body part is located between J-shaped end and the Shaft.

2) This is not a toy. Do not let children play with the GripFlip.
3) Release line tension before releasing the fishhook, so it cannot be slung.
4) Never release a fishhook in a rocking boat if it will swing around.
5) Never pull or let someone else pull a fish towards you. Always approach a fishhook from a direction that you will not be hooked if the fishhook becomes free.

6) It can be extremely dangerous removing fishhooks from live fish. If you are not sure it is safe either cut the line or wait until the fish is dead before removing the     fishhook.



Both models can remove larger fishhooks, but it is not recommended.

Inshore GripFlip (8/0 or 0.08" maximum recommended diameter)
Offshore GripFlip (10/0 or 0.10" maximum recommended diameter)
          If you do use the GripFlip to remove fishhooks of a larger diameter than recommended, NEVER SQUEEZE the trigger with more than 15 pounds of force.


          The GripFlip's leverage system has a sweet spot between fully extended and backed 3/32" or 2.4 mm, when a fishhook is engaged in the hook at the end of the Jay and the Shaft is just starting to push the fishhook against the hook. If the Shaft is less than 3/32" from being fully extended, it will be easy to fully depress the trigger. After 3/32", the favorable leverage ratio drops rapidly.

          If a fishhook is 1/32" past the sweet spot, you may or may not be able to fully depress the trigger and stay within the 15-pound squeeze limit. In this case, you will still be gripping the fishhook with 20+ pounds.

          The GripFlip can be easily adjusted for fishhooks 1/16" or 1.5 mm larger than what is recommended by screwing the Set Screw into the Bumper Stop slot. To do this:

          1) Unscrew the 05 Bumper Cap. Remove the 16 Rubber Bumper. Use a 2 mm hex head to screw the 20 set screw in. Replace the Rubber Bumper and Bumper Cap (0.02 inch per turn or 0.5 mm per turn).

          2) Find the smallest and largest diameter fishhook you plan on fishing with and test to make sure the GripFlip is adjusted properly. If the difference between the diameter of the largest and smallest fishhook is less than 0.075 inches or 2 mm, you should be able to secure both fishhooks by applying less than 15 pounds of force to the trigger.

          3) Do not screw the Set Screw into the Bumper Stop slot more than 1/16" or 1.5 mm. The GripFlip can also be adjusted by shortening the Shaft Assembly.

Note: Damage caused by removing fishhooks larger than what is recommended is not covered by the warranty.



Take care of the GripFlip much like you take care of fishing reels.
          1) Raines off after use, especially in saltwater.
          2) Lubricate regularly.
          3) Even though the Rubber Bumper has a low compression set, the Bumper Cap should be unscrewed when not in use.




          1)   If the trigger is fully extended outward and stuck, do not try to unfreeze the trigger by squeezing it. It is most likely caused by the Jay being stuck in the Shaft’s Front notch. Lubricate this area and then try to move the Jay up and down. You may need to tap the Jay on something. When the Jay becomes easy to move, the trigger should be free.